
Clarissa RJ Tai
9 min readNov 3, 2021






Q0. 怎麼看待這些申請文件?



放錯內容會是大大的Red Flag喔!

Q1. SOP & PS 他們到底是什麼東西?兩者差異?我應該寫PS還是SOP?


如果你要申請的學校還沒決定好,那你總有個大概的方向及現有的三維(TOEFL, GRE, GPA成績)吧?去US News,QS或是任何你在意的學校排行榜,找到符合你目標的幾個學校,辦個帳號去系統裡探險吧!

Q2. CV & Resume又差在哪?要寫多少頁?

CV(Curriculum Vitae)可能為一到兩頁,主要針對課業及研究或課外活動作簡介,而Resume大部分是找工作在用的,著重在職業相關的經歷,也就是求職履歷,雖說有些學校要求提交Resume,但內容指的可能是CV喔!大家要仔細看,頁數及內容依據學校要求來決定要寫什麼樣的經驗。

簡而言之,趕快篩選出大致的學校直接辦帳號去裡面看!有帳號也不用一定要申請,但是可以看到很多很有用的訊息,才可以幫助你趕快move on~


Personal Statement

  • 自傳啦!以紐約大學的說明為例:
The Personal History Statement is optional and gives information on your background. The purpose of this essay is to get to know you as an individual and as a potential graduate student, and to understand how your background will add to the diversity of our school. Please describe how your personal background has motivated you to pursue a graduate degree. You may discuss educational, familial, cultural, socioeconomic, or personal experiences or challenges; gender identity; community services, outreach services, first-generation college status or other matters relevant to your decision to pursue graduate education. Please note that the Personal History Statement is not meant to be a general autobiography.The statement is optional and should not exceed two double-spaced pages. It should not duplicate the Statement of Academic Purpose.


Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose(SOP),可以字面上理解為:為什麼你要申請這個學校/學程,你未來的生涯規劃及目標等等。但是!有些學校也把這個當成自傳(PS)來要求,所以詳細情況麻煩請登入Application System看說明!


The purpose of the Personal Statement is for you to share more about your past experiences and to discuss how these experiences have contributed to your personal and professional growth. It allows the applicant the opportunity to explain to the admission committee the distinct qualities and commitment they can bring to the Columbia Engineering community.A few topics that you may want to address in your Personal Statement include:* Describe the reasons you are interested in this program and discuss any relevant past experience.
* If you have relevant work or research experience, please indicate how it helped you decide on your career path.
* What are your post-graduation plans or career goals?
* What do you hope to gain from this program?
* What about this program excites you?
If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.

注意到了嗎?哥大的說明內,Personal Statement是結合PS跟SOP的元素的,所以各位(特別是海投的)一定要仔細看說明,避免做了冤枉功啊~

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  1. Education: 讀的大學/系所、GPA、修過相關的課程、獎學金/排名等等
  2. Working Experience: 實習、工作經驗。
  3. Project Experience: 學校修課的final project、自己做的side project等等,以前的血汗淚就在這裡啦。記得要是學程相關的,不相關的要放下一個區塊或是不要放。
  4. Extracurricular/Activities Experience: 社團幹部/活動經驗等等,格式與上方的Project Experience相同。
  5. Interests and skills: 不用佔很大比重、也不要放莫名其妙的興趣,我那時候有放Graphic Design扣回我的Activities Experience。


Essay Questions

  • 有些學校會指定一些問題要Applicant回答,以西北大學為例:
Discuss a time you've worked on a team for a curricular competition (ie hackathon) or to fulfill a curricular or professional project.Discuss the last time you encountered conflict with a colleague (in school or at work).Discuss your greatest strength and how it will help you in your academic and professional career.Discuss your greatest weakness.


Essay 2: Data VisualizationShow us an example of data visualization and explain why you think it is great. It could be a static or interactive map, graphic, chart, or piece of data journalism. Why did you choose this example? How would you improve it? Please limit your response to 500 words.

直接要看你的Data Insights了~

Letter of Recommendation





害羞的話也歡迎來Linkedin上找我問問題~(記得備註一下自己是誰) https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarissa-ruo-ju-tai/





Clarissa RJ Tai
Clarissa RJ Tai

Written by Clarissa RJ Tai

"Step by step approaching my dream. Welcome to the world of DATA."

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